18 Passenger Minibus Amenities
The amenities vary based on the specific vehicle model selected (which is shown when you use our online tool to see pricing & availability!). Many of the 18 passenger minibuses can be equipped with comfortable and convenient amenities such as reclining seats, air conditioning (A/C), and WiFi to keep passengers cool, comfortable and connected while traveling around Jacksonville. If your group plans to bring multiple souvenirs or lots of luggage, you can also opt for a bus with undercarriage or overhead baggage storage and eliminate the stress of cramming bags and boxes around passenger seats. Additional amenity add-ons include a PA system for announcements en route and TVs with a DVD player to pass the time for quick trips through Jacksonville or long journeys into Florida’s numerous, other big cities like Tampa, Orlando, Miami and more.
Available Amenities Can Include
Reclining Seats
Wi-Fi Hotspot
Power Outlets
AM/FM Radio
Overhead Storage
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